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typedef XaintElement_type XaintElement


XAINT_API XaintElementXaintElement_new (void)
XAINT_API void XaintElement_delete (XaintElement *element)
XAINT_API XaintType XaintElement_getType (XaintElement *element)
XAINT_API void XaintElement_setType (XaintElement *element, XaintType type)
XAINT_API XaintCharXaintElement_getValue (XaintElement *element)
XAINT_API void XaintElement_setValue (XaintElement *element, XaintChar *value)
XAINT_API XaintCharXaintElement_getName (XaintElement *element)
XAINT_API void XaintElement_setName (XaintElement *element, XaintChar *name)
XAINT_API XaintCharXaintElement_getWS (XaintElement *element)
XAINT_API void XaintElement_setWS (XaintElement *element, XaintChar *ws)
XAINT_API XaintTreeXaintElement_getTree (XaintElement *element)
XAINT_API XaintElementXaintElement_getParent (XaintElement *element)
XAINT_API XaintElementXaintElement_getNext (XaintElement *element)
XAINT_API XaintElementXaintElement_getPrev (XaintElement *element)
XAINT_API XaintElementXaintElement_getChild (XaintElement *element)
XAINT_API XaintNum XaintElement_getNumberOfElements (XaintElement *element)
XAINT_API XaintElementXaintElement_getNextByType (XaintElement *element, XaintType type)
XAINT_API XaintElementXaintElement_getPrevByType (XaintElement *element, XaintType type)
XAINT_API XaintElementXaintElement_getChildByType (XaintElement *element, XaintType type)
XAINT_API XaintNum XaintElement_getNumberOfElementsByType (XaintElement *element, XaintType type)
XAINT_API void XaintElement_setProperty (XaintElement *element, XaintChar *name, XaintChar *value)
XAINT_API XaintCharXaintElement_getProperty (XaintElement *element, XaintChar *name)
XAINT_API XaintBool XaintElement_push (XaintElement *parentElement, XaintElement *newElement)
XAINT_API XaintBool XaintElement_pushBefore (XaintElement *refElement, XaintElement *newElement)
XAINT_API XaintBool XaintElement_pushAfter (XaintElement *refElement, XaintElement *newElement)
XAINT_API XaintBool XaintElement_pop (XaintElement *element)
XAINT_API XaintBool XaintElement_isNomad (XaintElement *element)
XAINT_API XaintBool XaintElement_isAnonymous (XaintElement *element)
XAINT_API XaintBool XaintElement_isEmpty (XaintElement *element)
XAINT_API XaintBool XaintElement_hasProperties (XaintElement *element)
XAINT_API XaintNum XaintElement_numberOfProperties (XaintElement *element)
XaintBool XaintElement_saveToEvent (XaintElement *element, XaintTreeDataEvent event)
XaintCharXaintElement_saveToMemory (XaintElement *element)
XaintBool XaintElement_save (XaintElement *element)
XaintElementXaintElement_copy (XaintElement *element)
XaintTreeXaintElement_formTree (XaintElement *element)

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct XaintElement_type XaintElement

The XaintElement Class

Definition at line 386 of file xaint.h.

Function Documentation

XaintElement* XaintElement_copy XaintElement element  ) 

Make an exact copy of the element and all its children. The new element will be a nomad (no tree) at the start.

XAINT_API void XaintElement_delete XaintElement element  ) 

Deletes an existing XaintElement from memory. If it belongs to an XaintTree, the element is removed from the tree prior. As not to disrupt the tree data.

XaintTree* XaintElement_formTree XaintElement element  ) 

Build a new tree around a nomad element.

XAINT_API XaintElement* XaintElement_getChild XaintElement element  ) 

Get the first child element.

XAINT_API XaintElement* XaintElement_getChildByType XaintElement element,
XaintType  type

Get the first child element of a request type.

XAINT_API XaintChar* XaintElement_getName XaintElement element  ) 

Get the name of the element.

XAINT_API XaintElement* XaintElement_getNext XaintElement element  ) 

Get the next(sibling) element.

XAINT_API XaintElement* XaintElement_getNextByType XaintElement element,
XaintType  type

Get the next (sibling) element of a request type.

XAINT_API XaintNum XaintElement_getNumberOfElements XaintElement element  ) 

Get the total number of child elements.

XAINT_API XaintNum XaintElement_getNumberOfElementsByType XaintElement element,
XaintType  type

Get the total number of child elements of a requested type.

XAINT_API XaintElement* XaintElement_getParent XaintElement element  ) 

Get the parent element.

XAINT_API XaintElement* XaintElement_getPrev XaintElement element  ) 

Get the previous (sibling) element.

XAINT_API XaintElement* XaintElement_getPrevByType XaintElement element,
XaintType  type

Get the previous (sibling) element of a request type.

XAINT_API XaintChar* XaintElement_getProperty XaintElement element,
XaintChar name

Get a child property (XAINT_TYPE_STRING) value.

XAINT_API XaintTree* XaintElement_getTree XaintElement element  ) 

Get the Tree the element belongs to.

XAINT_API XaintType XaintElement_getType XaintElement element  ) 

Get the type of the element.

XAINT_API XaintChar* XaintElement_getValue XaintElement element  ) 

Get the value of the element.

XAINT_API XaintChar* XaintElement_getWS XaintElement element  ) 

Get the elements' Whitespace. This is the space that is between the Name and the Value.

XAINT_API XaintBool XaintElement_hasProperties XaintElement element  ) 

Return XAINT_TRUE if the element has child properties. These are child elements with the type of XAINT_TYPE_STRING.

XAINT_API XaintBool XaintElement_isAnonymous XaintElement element  ) 

Return XAINT_TRUE if the element has no name.

XAINT_API XaintBool XaintElement_isEmpty XaintElement element  ) 

Return XAINT_TRUE if the element has NULL for a value. Null is treated differently than an empty string.

XAINT_API XaintBool XaintElement_isNomad XaintElement element  ) 

Return XAINT_TRUE if the element has no XaintTree associated to it.

XAINT_API XaintElement* XaintElement_new void   ) 

Creates a new XaintElement object.

XAINT_API XaintNum XaintElement_numberOfProperties XaintElement element  ) 

Return the number of child properties.

XAINT_API XaintBool XaintElement_pop XaintElement element  ) 

This will remove an element from the tree.

XAINT_API XaintBool XaintElement_push XaintElement parentElement,
XaintElement newElement

This will push a newElement into a parentElement. The newElement is placed at the very end.

XAINT_API XaintBool XaintElement_pushAfter XaintElement refElement,
XaintElement newElement

This will push a newElement in back of a refElement. Both elements will share the same parent.

XAINT_API XaintBool XaintElement_pushBefore XaintElement refElement,
XaintElement newElement

This will push a newElement in front of a refElement. Both elements will share the same parent.

XaintBool XaintElement_save XaintElement element  ) 

Save the element to a file. Uses the associated XaintTree for the Path, BOM, and Whitespace info.

XaintBool XaintElement_saveToEvent XaintElement element,
XaintTreeDataEvent  event

Save the element to an event. Uses the associated XaintTree for the BOM, and Whitespace info.

XaintChar* XaintElement_saveToMemory XaintElement element  ) 

Save the element to memory. Uses the associated XaintTree for the BOM, and Whitespace info.

XAINT_API void XaintElement_setName XaintElement element,
XaintChar name

Set the name of the element.

XAINT_API void XaintElement_setProperty XaintElement element,
XaintChar name,
XaintChar value

Set a child property (XAINT_TYPE_STRING) value to a list element. This will overwrite a previous property if one existes with the same name.

XAINT_API void XaintElement_setType XaintElement element,
XaintType  type

Set the type of the element.

XAINT_API void XaintElement_setValue XaintElement element,
XaintChar value

Set the value of the element.

XAINT_API void XaintElement_setWS XaintElement element,
XaintChar ws

Set the elements Whitespace.

Generated on Sun Apr 25 11:36:04 2004 for Xaint by doxygen 1.3.6